Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting over it

I've been able to run--yey! Monday I tried 3 miles, yesterday I ran 6, and today I did another short run. All pain free. That combined with getting back in the pool Monday night with my fun IM training buddies Patty and Heidi, and I'm feeling a little like myself again. Thank you all for your supportive comments and emails. With your help I'll get this thing done.

So, I'm thinking a little more about how my second 1/2 iron (since I never really finished my second--I DNF'd at the Patriot half) compares to my first. The splits come out as follows:

42:21swim 4:31T1 3:24bike 5:23T2 2:18run

44:57swim 3:57T1 3:26bike 3:17T2 2:27run

I'm improving on my transition times somewhat, but those have to include sit-in-the-grass-and-pee time. I'm not one for fancy flying mounts or keeping my shoes clipped to the bike, so maybe these are as good as it gets. The run....hmmmm. I don't know. Timberman run was, like the bike, a hillier course. Some day I'd like to break 2:10 (maybe even 2hrs, but that's a different post) in a half marathon, but I doubt it'll ever be in a 1/2 iron. I do need to keep my head down and swim more instead of stopping every now and then and chatting with the kayakers about the weather or where I'm going--unless I'm lost or really off course.

I think what those splits show is that I have gotten stronger on the bike. Eagleman is flat as a pancake, and while there was some wind we had pretty ideal conditions that day. Timberman is drastically different because of the hills. I maintained virtually the same average speed in both races(which is still a slow 16ish mph), but given the tough hills at Timberman, I am happy with that. There is no way I would've done that well last year on such a hard course--my bike split from Patriot was 3:46 and I don't think that course was as demanding as Timberman. I think this bodes well for next year's Placid training. I'm more determined to keep up the strength training in the off season (which should make Marco Diablo very happy) which can only help, right?


Anonymous said...

What a great pic with the kids.

Glad to hear the running is going better. Fingers crossed for recovery!

tri-ing races not cases said...

Glad to hear you are running pain free again. Keep up with that foam roller. It works wonders.

Mel said...

Yeah, I am glad you are able to run again...I LOVE the photo with you and your kids...How tall are you????Legs are looking lean ;) Keep working it girl that run will come down for you...PROMISE!!!!

Jennifer Cunnane said...

I think you should be so thrilled with your improvement - Placid next year will be your best race ever! (Of course... Eagleman next year will be the race you have most fun at since you will have to put up with me!). Keep on running...and recovering.

TriGirl 40 said...

Awesome gains!

And I second Mel's comment on your picture - you look terrific!

Jennifer Cunnane said...

Hey - update your blog will ya? How is the injury coming along?